So, I took a week and tweaked the server, made sure it was to my liking. I was made an administrator in the Steam group, and I was told to post the server information in an announcement whenever I was ready. After this I really became distant from the Terraria forum people and they went on and did their own thing, they ended up making their own Website called Global Equestria, which is it’s own shitshow for another day. So after weighing my options I decided to go ahead and do that. They wanted me to take my server and set it up for their Steam Group, which was just a general MLP Steam group, but it had like 50,000 members. A bit after said website posted the server I got a message from someone, I don’t remember what their display name was on the forum, but later I learned this person was Corrie. Suddenly one day I got a message from some person, there display name was something about strawberries, and they ran some website and they told be they had submitted my Terraria to I think a website called Equestria Daily? Regardless it was a fairly popular website for MLP fans, and we had a large influx of requests to join the server. Quickly after I put up the server and it was neat, we all had fun playing on it. I decided to take it upon myself and put up a server, I already have a setup built for it, just needed to get it running. After sometime of the thread on the forum, the members growing, we still had yet to put up a MLP Server. Most of the guys there were cool people, and there was some drama but that isn’t the point of this story.

There was a point, in the height of the My Little Pony phenomenon where I would frequent the forum for Terraria online and participate in their Brony thread.